- A -
Advanced Online Recruiting Glenn Gutmacher, Sourcer
Recruitomatic Amitai Givertz
Aquent Blog
Asia Pacific Headhunter Steve Kempton
- B -
Blog Indeed
The Bogles Jobster
- C -
Cal National Bank
Cheezhead's Old Blog
Changing Reality Barry Hurd
Detailed Recruiter Military Recruiter
- E -
Ecetera French & English
ERE Blog Network
Exceler8ion Julian Gude & Shannon Seery
- G -
- H -
Hank & Rusty
Hiring Revolution TalentZoo
Hiring Technical People Johanna Rothman
HRM Direct Colin Kingsbury
HR Technology Discussion Board
Human Capital Acquistion abandoned
Human Capital Institute
- I -
- J -
Jim Stroud Microsoft Sourcer
John Sumser
- K -
- M -
Magic Pot of Jobs
Microsoft Jobsblog @gledgard
Microsoft Marketing Venus de Micro
Microsoft College Recruiting abandoned
Miles From The Curb abandoned
MN Headhunter @mnheadhunter
- N -
- O -
On Talent abandoned
- P -
Passing Notes Competitive Intelligence @passingnotes
- R -
Recruiters Network
Recruiter's Toolkit museum piece
Recruiting Roundtable
Recruiting & Teambuilding
Recruiting Revolution Steve Fogarty
- S -
Staffbytes @GeoffPeterson
Staffing Journal abandoned
Staffing Talk Gregg Dourgarian @greggdourgarian
StlRecruiting Jim Durbin @smheadhunter
Systematic HR
Sullivan, John
- T -
Talent In China Frankie Mulligan
Talent Brew, TMP
Talent Management
Talentism abandoned
Talking Talent
- V -
- W -
- X -
XtremeRecruiting.tv Bill Vick
- U -
Upsearch abandoned