Recruiting to the max
The Recruiting Roundtable says that the maximum workload for an internal corporate recruiter is 11 to 20 positions at one time.
Beyond that point, the quality of the work deteriorates as do the hires. And it takes more time to fill the jobs.
I find 11 to 20, a huge range. What accounts for the variation? Maybe the difficulty of the searches involved.
See Dave Manaster for more
Update: Gretchen says: I know of few software companies which allow their recruiters to carry a req load of 11-20 open positions.
My Comment: When I think of an active search it means one for which I don't have the candidates yet.
I can see handling that many positions if very little work was involved on each one. For instance, for some the search is over and the short listed people are working their way through the interviews.
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