From highly paid North Americans.
According to The Financial Express, an Indian newspaper (with faulty English), the global human resources outsourcing market is going to reach $80 billion by 2008 and more than half of the recruiting processes will be offshored.
Indian HR Thought Leader, Gautam Ghosh warns:
I know of one organization that sources resumes, does background verification and makes offer letters through its India subsidiary.
Even telephone calls to schedule interviews are done by Indians though the interviewer and candidate are both in the US.
It can be done by the larger Indian firms like Ma Foi or ABC. However, it is a low margin business and when there is a war for talent going on in the country they won't want to use resources on this.
Actually, there is a member of ERE based in India planning to enter the market described above. I spoke to him on the phone and promised to write about him.
Hat Tip: Biswajit Das