First pictures of Baby Liam.
Liam Donovan Goldfinger has started his first day at work. Proud Mommychick, Zoe Goldfinger, says that she is as pleased as punch with the results of the search process.
But, cooler heads suggest that she should reserve judgement until a number of performance reviews have been completed. For although cute and tiny today, at left you will see an artist's conception of what Liam will look like when he has been with the company a few years.
Indeed, some are displeased with his performance already. "Another self-centred white male forces a productive young woman to become a diaper changer. What's so great about that?" complained Gretchen Ledgard whose fledgling firm, JobSyntax, was the first victim of Baby Lee's arrival.
"Diaper changer! She should talk," fired back Goldfinger referring, no doubt, to Legard's reputation as the former Dog Lady of Microsoft.