Animal Show in Review. Listen here.
We had a great time with Dr David Kippen PhD on The Animal Show this week. He's a quick witted fellow who can speak extemporaneously on almost any topic at all. And he doesn't say um or aw even once.Dave thinks that Jane Austen would have been just as good an author if she had been better looking. (I disagree). He wrote his thesis on a racist South African female author (I never heard of her but I disagree).
He doesn't know much about Chop Suey but claims that you won't be as disappointed with the noodles in Shanghai like you were with the pizza in Italy.
Dave says that your brand is not just the standard set of ideas people associate with you but a picture of you in relation to the entire constellation in which you operate and especially in comparison to your competitors.
We discussed the brand changing process a bit and Dave seemed to say that you change your brand by playing with certain elements in it.
For instance, if your name is Bobby and you want everyone to think you are a stuffed shirt, you can start calling yourself Bob. You are still a rose by any other name but now your serious side is being highlighted.
Good recruitment advertising, he says, researches the wants of target market then presents the aspects of the job (elements of the brand) that will match them. It leaves the less than stellar stuff out of the picture.
Still, Dave argues that recruiting advertising cannot be too deceptive or it will spawn a problem with retention as new employees who are unpleasantly suprised make for the exits in a hurry.
We also chatted about some of the contestants in Jay Dee's contest, a bit about Madonna and Rush Limbaugh and before I knew it the hour was gone.
If you have an axe to grind and you're not boring you let me know. You can talk about it for up to an hour on the Recruiting Animal Show.
Below are some upcoming shows. No set dates yet.
Second Life with Louis Vong, VP Interactive Strategy, TMP Worldwide
Recruiting for Innovation with Jerry Jeff Hunter of Talentism
Candidate Experience: Featuring Jason Warner of Google
Talent Management Featuring Systematic HR
The Entrepreneurial Path For Young People. Featuring Colin Kingsbury
The Gen Y Hoax. Featuring The Two Ryans
Ami G: Blogging Lessons
Hire Outside the Box. Featuring The Asia Pacific Headhunter