Successful women and their partners.
"A hardcore minority of my female friends - often the most successful in their careers - keep ending up with nasty, boorish little toad-men like Nirpal, too. It is as if they feel guilty for having succeeded and need to marry a chauvinist as penance....
"I don't think Liz knows, even now, that she is a wonderful person who deserves far better than this cossetted, spiteful leech."
-- Johann Hari, The Independent
"At a dinner party recently, I encountered the depressingly familiar sight of a dynamic thirty- something woman accompanied by a nerdy male sidekick that she'd browbeaten into proposing to her.
"The mismatch in power was obvious. She was successful, ambitious and confident; he was a diffident, overweight, shrinking violet who measured every word he spoke in case he said anything remotely contentious that might offend her."
How Feminism Destroyed Real Men, The Daily Mail
"Common wisdom holds that men are socially programmed and biologically compelled to select women based on beauty and youth, physical traits that signal reproductive health.
"But many men today date "across" and, increasingly, "up" the axes of education and achievement, with less regard for age, or for the notorious "arm candy" factor.
"In the eyes of a man's peers, the woman with the career and degrees counts for more than Miss America," says Frank Pittman, psychiatrist to Atlanta's elite. "Status is attached to a woman who is successful, not to a woman with a perfectly pear-shaped ass."
Psychology Today, The new trophy wife: alpha women