Smart women choose?
"Clients hire lawyers who work hard for their interests, who are responsive, who meet deadlines and who have good turnaround times. That requires a lawyer to make a choice in his or her life - more time with your family or more time at work.
"Think of the following: 'Sorry Ms. Client but I can't close your deal/go to court/prepare your agreement for you tomorrow because I don't work on Wednesdays and Thursdays, that is my family time.'
"You won't find many clients who will fit their needs around those of their lawyer and so unfortunately one can't have a successful practice and have lots of time for your family.
"Perhaps the reason that law is losing many smart and educated women is because these women are smart enough to realize that they can't "have it all" and therefore choose to do something that is much more important to them. I don't see that as a problem that needs to be examined and fixed, it merely reflects choice."
Counter-Argument: The only urgent legal issue is bail.