Bloggers discuss openess.
Animal: Carl, I have to ask you a question right off the bat. Am I getting drunk on power?
Carl Chapman: You're definitely drunk.
Animal: That's it? Anthony, Anthony, say something to this guy. You know, I'm so glad, Anthony, you're here today because I am tired. I'm going to have to have you take over and take Carl apart. So, go ahead, attack Carl.
Anthony: Attack him? I barely know him!
Animal: Okay, Carl, I have a question for you. What about online spousal abuse? Do you have an opinion?
Carl Chapman: Do I have an opinion on what?
Animal: OSA. Online Spousal Abuse!
Anthony: What are you talking about, online spousal abuse?
Animal: Anthony, do you want to say something about Online Spousal Abuse?
Anthony: I don't know. Where did that come from?
Carl Chapman: Animal, can you hear me?
Animal: Who is this? Is it Carl?
Carl Chapman: Yeah, it's Carl. You said you couldn't hear me so I called in on another line.
Animal: Okay, Carl, do you have an opinion about Online Spousal Abuse? I'm going to have to drop this topic. No one knows anything about it but me.
Anthony: Can you elaborate? Can you give us some background?
Carl Chapman: Penelope Trunk, Brazen Careerist blog...
Animal: No, that's where it started but I'm not talking about her.
Carl Chapman: I understand. Then Maureen picked up the gauntlet and wrote about it on your blog.
Animal: Yes. Should you talk about your husband or your wife on your blog?
Anthony: There used to be a blog...
Animal: Uh, uh, it's Carl's turn. Come on, we're really going... we're getting disorganized...
Carl Chapman: I, I, I...
Animal: Are you talking or are you barking?
Carl Chapman: Well, it's your fault. You're the host. You're the one who's supposed to keep it organized.
Animal: Oh yeah. Okay, okay.
Carl Chapman: Here's the real thing. If it's your blog, certainly you can talk about your spouse if you wanted to because nobody knows who you are. I mean you got a puppet for a picture. You got no name, no nothing except The Recruiting Animal. So, if you talk about your spouse, who's going to know who that is? But, me? Everybody knows who I am, my real name, my real picture, my real address, my real phone number. If I talk about my lovely wife, I'd better be complimentary.
Animal: Why? I mean why can't you discuss your problems in public?
Carl Chapman: Why do I need to?
Animal: Carl, haven't you ever heard of marital therapy? You've got a problem and you discuss it out in the open. Then you can work on it. And haven't you ever heard about open sourcing? You get contributions from all over the country. They give you a lot of input.
Carl Chapman: An open sourced project for your marriage therapy. Yeah, that sounds like it would work.
Anthony: I always thought an open sourced marriage meant something different.
Animal: That's open marriage, Anthony. Anybody else before I leave this topic? It's very important.
Anthony: It's very important? You may not remember there used to be a blog, it was called My Left Wing Girlfriend. He was a right-winger, she was a left-winger and he used to post about their disagreements. It was quite funny.
Animal: Anthony, you've got to get used to me. I'm going to silence you. And, it sounds like Carl believes in the burka of silence. Am I right?
Carl Chapman: No, I just believe that you're going to get yourself into trouble if people know who your wife is.
Anthony: Why are you silencing me?
Animal: Because I silence people. I have to talk.
Anthony: Why? I was making valuable input.
Animal: Yeah, okay.
Anthony: You fascist. Don't oppress me.
Source: 4.30 minute mark, Recruiting Animal Show, 07.07.25