Based on info from The Ladders via Venus de Micro.
- Killer headline to grab attention.
- Company Description (honest and modest beats arrogant and inflated)
- Detailed Job Description (leave out the crap words like efficient and effective)
- List of Requirements
- List of Preferred Qualities (leave out this subjective garbage)
- List of Deal-Breakers (qualifications to buzz off)
Details count. A great job description is very detailed to help people decide if the position is right for them.
To keep the losers out, put the most important requirements in bold.
If you can't mention the name of your firm use a descriptive term in the Headline like “Fortune 500 Pharmaceuticals” or “Prominent International Bank”.
Adjust your tone and vocabulary to the level of candidate you want. (Talk down to the simple folk).
If the job doesn’t require a specific location, say so.
Put how-to-apply instructions and essential requirements at the end of your job description, right above the “apply” button. Make it hard to miss.