Some recipients of the Recruiting Animal Awards have not taken the time to explore the inner workings of their Wordpress blogs. So, even though I do not use Wordpress myself, I have taken the time to figure it out for them.
2. Click on Dashboard
3. In the left sidebar, under Appearance, click on Widgets
A sidebar is a column on the side of the screen.
You might need to scroll down to 'inactive widgets' to grab image widget. Hat Tip @ValueIntoWords
4. A lot of grey bars appear in the centre column
5. Scroll down to Images. Drag it into the right sidebar
To drag and drop, put your mouse over the widget, press on the left button, hold the button down while you drag the widget to the sidebar. Release.
6. A box opens up. Paste the URL I sent you into the field that says Image URL
A URL is the web address.
7. If you want the picture to link to another page (eg the Animal Awards List) put the URL for the destination in the bottom field which is called LINK URL.
9. Click on SAVE
10. Drag and drop the image widget wherever you want it in your sidebar