From: Why are bloggers male? - Margaret Wente, Globe and Mail, March 17, 2010 (edited)
Guys want lots of action and instant gratification. That's why guys like blogging – instant opinions, and lots of them.
Men clearly have an urge to blog that women lack. Not many women are interested enough in spitting out an opinion on current events every 20 minutes.
“Do you think men are more opinionated than women are?” I asked my friend Sarah. “No,” she said. “They just don't feel the need to think before they open their mouths.”
The urge to blog is closely related to the sex-linked compulsion known as male answer syndrome. MAS is the reason why guys shoot up their hands first in math class. MAS also explains why men are so quick to have opinions on subjects they know little or nothing about.
Do you ever wonder why the talk shows and opinion pages are still dominated by male voices? That's why.
Opinionizing in public is a form of mental jousting, where the aim is to out-reason, out-argue or out-yell your opponent. Women are just as good at this but are not as interested in doing it.
From: Female bloggers take on Margaret Wente, Globe and Mail, Thurs Mar. 18, 2010
Annie Urban: "I certainly don't think women are lacking in opinions or in a willingness to share them. I have been opinionated all of my life and have been sharing that opinion with the world on my blog for two years."
Tamara Plant blasted Ms. Wente's assertion that women are too demure to blog: "Nine times out of 10 I don't think before I talk. It's called having an attitude and I'm OK with it."