Question: Is the best job hunter the best candidate?
Answer: YES.
The best candidates (1) have a good resume, (2) know how to present relevant skills and experience on paper or in person and (3) they keep an up-to-date online social profile.
Confused recruiters think it's their job to polish the candidate's resume and teach them how to act in an interview. It isn't.
Here's a comment from a successful business owner
Animal, is it worse to make a poor hire, or to fail to hire a top performer? Many top performers (the people who change the world) are "losers". The fact that they are losers means they have little stake in the present, nor much of an ego to protect and worry about. Having only A players is like having a portfolio of only blue chips; you wont likely outperform unless you have some flyers in there too. I like to hire winners, of course, but I also make some bets on some "losers" - people who dress badly, have spotty manners, are very confident, who don't know how to make small talk and follow conventional expectations. When I say loser, I don't mean actual loser; I mean undervalued asset.