Sandra Mccartt via Sourcers Unleashed
What I'm seeing reported is that employees [at Coke] were given the option to keep or cut voice mail. Only 6% of employees opted to keep it. Those under 30 prefer text messages or emails.
I find this to be true in my office. They hate leaving voice mails, waiting to hear back, missing the call and playing "phone tag" when a text to a candidate seems to be responded to with more detail quicker.
While I prefer voice mail or the phone, listening to long winded voice mail from people who are not clear with their name or number is a button pressing time waster.
One of my pet peeves is sending an email request to a candidate on file to determine availability or update on salary only to have them call and bleat in my ear for 15 minutes or leave 5 voice messages in a row if I don't answer.
For background see: Coke Disconnects Voicemail at Headquarters.