Jeff Chaponick is the CEO of RecruitersMAC. He was the guest on The Recruiting Animal Show on Wednesday, April 22, 2015 and it was a lively show.
I started off bydifferentiating myself from Fidel Castro. In the introduction I said that, unlike the population of Cuba, the mob gets to speak on The Recruiting Animal Show and that proved true in spades. Throughout the show, I had a perverse kind of riot on my hands.
If I said the song I picked was by Bruce Springsteen, that was no good but if I said it was by Tom Waites, then it was fine.
If I asked Jeff how he trained people to be big billers, that was no good but if the callers asked him how he trained his staff, well, that was just fine.
The complaints were endless and, in my opinion, they interfered with the show. And that's a regular flaw some listeners tell me. "You don't have to be like Fidel," they say, "but you have to know when to rein in the masses." And maybe they're right. You can judge for yourself. But, before I forget, let me compliment the guest for proving he's a real man. When most people tell you they have no voice it means that they are too chicken to sing -- but not him.
PLAY - Full Show - Jeff Chaponick - 15 04 22
PLAY - Intro - The 9 people you meet on a search
PLAY - Jeff Chaponick - Jersey Girl
PLAY - Jeff Chaponick - How long did it take you to get good (4:15)
PLAY - Jeff Chaponick - Time Management - 50 sec
PLAY - Jeff Chaponick - Call Prep - 2 min
PLAY - Jeff Chaponick - Recruiting on Twitter 36 sec
PLAY - Jeff Chaponick - Don't Hide Behind Technology
PLAY - Jeff Chaponick - Persuasion
PLAY - Jeff Chaponick - How do you determine company culture - 3:50 min
PLAY - Jeff Chaponick - He called on a good phone
PLAY - Jeff Chaponick - Recruiting is a Relationship Business - 7:55 min
PLAY - Jeff Chaponick - Referrals - 25 sec
PLAY - Jeff Chaponick - The Role of Personality in Success (1:50 min)
PLAY - Jeff Chaponick - Can you abandon a search?
PLAY - Jeff Chaponick - When The New Hire Isn't Happy 1:10 min
PLAY - Jeff Chaponick - How do you hire (1:10 min)
PLAY - Jeff Chaponick - How Do You Train - 1:45 min
PLAY - Jeff Chaponick - Half His Hire's Fail
PLAY - Jeff Chaponick - Do you fire clients? - 1 min
PLAY - Jeff Chaponick - Jerry Starts Fan Club - 40 sec
PLAY - Jeff Chaponick - Lots of work in Middle East
PLAY - Jeff Chaponick - Warm Client Relationships - 2-15 min
PLAY - Jeff Chaponick - When a recruiter leaves
PLAY - Praise for the Animal - Lee and Jerry 2:30
PLAY - Jerry complains about Animal - 1 min
PLAY - Praise for Animal - Lee and Jerry - Part 2 - 1 min
PLAY - Jerry: This is what people want to know - 40 sec
PLAY - Jerry Starts Fan Club - 40 sec
PLAY - Animal Defends Social Media Questions - 40 sec
PLAY - Fight Over Content - 1:30 min