Thayer Prime is the CEO of, an IT recruitment consulting firm in England.
She was the guest on The Recruiting Animal Show on June 10, 2015.
From my experience of her on Twitter I expected her to be a bit feisty but she turned out to be a proper English lady -- with a school-marmish hate-on for contingent recruiting and contingent recruiters, at least, of the English variety.
Thayer says that her company only places the best, top level people that and she has never had to go out looking for business. It comes to her via referrals.
She likes to give free and sincere career advice and believes that if you focus on taking care of the candidate it will benefit your clients much more than if you focus on them.
She thinks that for the sake of diversity hiring managers should not look to their personal networks for their hiring needs but place ads that will bring in people they don't already know.
I found Thayer's description of the IT networking parties she threw very early in her career particularly interesting.
There is also a discussion of the relation between advice, persuasion and selling.
My introduction is about phone fear due to extreme negative predictions but it could have used a rewrite.
Thayer did sing but not very well. You can barely hear her.
PLAY - Intro - Exaggerating Failure
PLAY - Thayer Prime - Patronizing
PLAY - Thayer Prime - Contingent Recruiting
PLAY - Thayer Prime - English Recruiters
PLAY - Thayer Prime - Phony Profiles on Linkedin
PLAY - Thayer Prime - Rant About Linkedin
PLAY - Thayer Prime - Recruiters Place 2nd Rate People
PLAY - Thayer Prime - Candidate Experience
PLAY - Thayer Prime - Advice, Persuasion and Selling (7:15 min)
PLAY - Thayer Prime - Animal on Retained Recruiting
PLAY - Thayer Prime - Jerry asks about phone
PLAY - Thayer Prime - Social Recruiting and Diversity
PLAY - Thayer Prime - Some companies only hire the best
PLAY - Thayer Prime - Sourcing Through Parties
PLAY - Thayer Prime - We never solicit business
PLAY - Thayer Prime - More On Diversity
PLAY - Thayer Prime - Full Show