In Praise of Hiring Managers by Bill Fester
This is a repost from a blog I follow called Recruiting Animal. While I subscribe to his blog, I don’t know the guy. We work in different areas, and our potential for doing split placement work I suspect is probably nil. Most of the time, I don’t even get a chance to read his posts, but this morning I happened to notice one that hit home.
Since most of my posts are either directed to my area of specialty (process control applications and programming specialists), or toward helping people do a better job of finding work, it’s rare for me to comment on the hiring authority side of recruiting and search work.
I wish I’d written this. Not because I work in sales, or even in direct hire placement, but because this case is so symptomatic of searches that lead nowhere, that waste the time of everyone concerned (candidate, recruiter, client), and that hollow the craft of recruiting.
This is what many recruiters face in trying to locate and place a bonafide candidate. Ironically, just as I’d finished reading his post, I noticed an email from someone who needs to add someone to the staff, and “could I please just send some resumes”.
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