Canadian foreign policy has been criticized a lot lately so I guess I had to expect that sooner or later I would run into trouble for not being "even-handed". And that time has come. This posting was rejected by a blogswapping friend. 'Too controversial" she said. "Some of our most avid readers are terrorists".
Alright, that's not what was said. It's my spin on, "not suitable for an international audience -- you Bush-lovin' chickenhawk!" I thought that was a far-reaching conclusion for such a measley little posting. But that's love and war, eh? She says she still adores me, "just don't send us your hate-filled Canadian propaganda. Post it on your own crappy blog!"
Okay, I will. Here it is. (But I'll admit that she did get me a bit worried so I've taken out all references to Israel, Lebanon, Syria, Iran, Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, India, Spain, Micronesia, England, Italy, Australia, Bali, Japan, Mexico, Canada and France).
TAPT is the stuff the most recent bunch of "fish and chip" terrorists were going use to blow up ten passenger-laden planes. You put some easily accessed ingredients together and powie you've got yourself a bomb.
Colby Cosh says that the amount of TATP the terrorists can get on a plane can do some damage but not as much as they hoped. So, I guess that means Tommy Walkom of the Toronto Star can claim that the suspects are merely a bunch of young dolts and dismiss the media furor as a government ploy to win support for the War on Terror. That's what he said when 17 terror suspects were arrested in Toronto recently.
Even so, where does that leave everyone else? Boarding the plane in hospital smocks after having had our body cavities exposed to the light of day? (Is it gender bias if I say I don't want my cavity searched by a man?)