Today I noticed a blog that provides a full feed of my blog in his. It's called and you can see my feed here.
I used to use Newsgator to feed stuff into my blogs but Newsgator ended that function a few years ago. So, I'm wondering what program Justin the Career Baron is using to feed me into him.
Also, what if I publish something he doesn't like? Can he delete a specific posting? I don't think so. For instance, if I called this Justin Mingus is a Content Criminal I don't think he could get rid of it without dumping me from his feed.
Or Justin Mingus is a little mingus. (You have to go to Urban Dictionary to find the meaning of that one - NSFW).
Justin also has a feed of Jason Alba and @Blogging4Jobs and @MeghanMBiro and David Perry and @HRBartender and @ResumeBear and @Ray_anne and @AndyHeadworth and @KevinWGrossman and Joshua Waldman and @CareerSherpa and Ben Eubanks and @JoshTolan and @pamslim and many more.
I guess it's no different from subscribing to all of these blogs on Google Reader and then making it public (if Google Reader lets you do that) but it just kind of rubs you the wrong way.
I mean people can see that the Recruiting Animal wrote his articles but Ben Eubanks is just listed as Ben. No one is going to give any credit to him. Not that anyone reads the CareerBaron but it's just the idea, you know what I'm saying?
Here's an article about Google Reader sharing. And another. And here.
PS: I thought Jason's use of expertize was incorrect spelling but it looks like I'm wrong.
You can reach Justy at <[email protected]> or (614) 285-4626.