Animal History
03/2007 - Present -- Recruiting Animal Show
10/2006 - Present -- Recruiting
04/2006 - Present -- Recruiting
04/2005 - 04/2006 --
01/2004 - 04/2005 -- Canadian Headhunter
Kris Rzepkowski, Recruiting Animal talks Second Life with Louis Vong (July 24, 2007)
Sometimes media hits the target market so squarely that you just can't help but listen. Recruiting Animal interviewed Louis Vong on the ins-and-outs of TMP's SecondLife Strategy.
Animal's Howard Stern meets Jim Rome style coupled with discussion by former mates at TMP about a new technology that I find fascinating made for the perfect way to blow an hour.
Papa John Sumser, Where It's Going II,
(March 12, 2007)
Early adopters, hard at work with their new toys, rarely see the long term value in the tools. ...
If you haven't had a chance, take a look at the Recruiting Animal tirade on this subject (here's the related radio show).
Animal's view is nearly as narrow as the folks he's busy critiquing. He claims on his blog, with some small justification and some greater irony, that blogging has made an insignificant dent in the Recruiting Industry
Richard Becker, Chatting With The Animal
(April 09, 2007)
On the last day of my "Writing for Public Relations" class at UNLV, I mentioned to my public relations students that I would be a future guest on an online talk radio show.
They seemed very excited by the prospect and several of them asked for a time and date. "But wait," I said, "I haven't even told you whose online radio show... it's ... are you ready ... it's The Recruiting Animal Shooowww!"
Their enthusiastic expressions quickly turned to looks of sheer terror and inexplicable horror. Surely, their instructor had not lost all his marbles and taken to open discussions with someone who bills himself as "neither man nor wolf." "Don't do it!" they warned.
Amitai Givertz, Ami G's Blogging Secrets
(June 12, 2007)
If you tuned in to listen to Michael in his customary fashion promote his own shallow agenda at the expense of his so-called friends, enjoy the show! I won't listen to it or tune in again. I don't have the time to waste.
(Note: Ami G is a past prize winner of the Mikey's Monkey award for outstanding achievement in the Recruitosphere)
Michael Glenn, Stop the Podcasts
(August 03, 2007)
While I eat my lunch at my desk, I often listen to Podcasts on recruiting. Unfortunately, not many Recruiting Podcasts are worth listening to because they are boring. I don't know if it's the voice inflection, tone or pitch, but I have hard time staying interested in the topics.
However, there is a Podcast that I will recommend and that is Recruiting Animal's Podcast. He is not boring. He does a good job of trying to be entertaining while talking about the recruiting industry. The only complaint I have about Recruiting Animal's Podcast is that he shouts too much.
Jim Stroud, The Howard Stern of Recruiting
(March 12, 2007)
I don't know if they are going to have naked strippers in there or anything like that but as far as not knowing what's going to be said next and how and why and all those other kind of things... let me just stop and play you a clip from the first episode and you'll see.
Frank Gross, Reply to Invitation via LinkedIn
(December 3, 2007)
I have always connected with everyone, until now. There's no way I'll connect with "Recruiting Animal"..come on, let's have a little professionalism here. This is your chance to archive/remove your invitation.
Frank Gross
Jennifer Candee, Email to Dave Mendoza (December 12, 2007) Dave, I listened to most of the blog / radio show link you sent me yesterday and I have to say, the reactions and statements on European recruitment (in particular from the host) made my blood boil and made me very sad to be an American.
The overwhelming generalisations of the recruitment landscape here were appalling. I'm happy to get on the show to clarify some key points which I think would be helpful coming from an American expat out in London....
Cheers and thanks for sending so I can hopefully start correcting how people think about the EU market in the US - its things like these that continue to precipitate why Europeans get frustrated with the American egos. contrary to popular belief, the American way isn't always right and doesn't work for every culture.
Heather Gardner, Email (March 03, 2008).
I listened to your show last night - boy my husband couldn't stand it. Your intro made me laugh so hard I nearly fell off the chair! My daughter kept asking me if the puppet was really talking.
I would NEVER say any of what you said to a job seeker myself, but I chuckled at your comments! Great interview, Great show! Thanks for the fun!
Laura Gleason, Email
(March 10, 2008)
I love your show. I learn something every time I listen. Animal you make me laugh. Keep up the great work!!
Claudia Faust, Email (April 10, 2008)
Hi Recruiting Animal, I listened in on your show today for the first time, and I am HOOKED. The funniest part of the show for me was when you asked Josh, "If a candidate is very hairy on the chest and back, should they just shave down to below the collar line?" This is such a brilliant question, would you mind if I took a shot at answering it on my blog next week?
Sarah Beasley, Email (April 11, 2008)
I would like the opportunity to join this group.
I heard the show and think its great!
Trisha Mannick,
(February 8, 2008)
I listened to the show last night (from Wednesday). I enjoyed every moment of it and wish I didn't have prior commitments during the live show.
I am probably going to block off every Wednesday from 12:00-1:00 so I can listen. Let me know anytime you'd like me to join the fun!
Kevin Kermes,
(March 27, 2008)
Thanks for having me on the show....I had a great time.
Brad Hogenmiller,
(Feb. 8, 2008)
Thanks for having me on the show. It was a great time!
Robert Merrill, Recruiting Animal Eats Me Alive (March 7, 2008)
A little while ago, I was interviewed on the Recruiting Animal Show, a talk show for the recruiting world. I had a great time doing the show, but you might think the Animal got the best of me… did he?
Robert Merrill, Twitter (June 30, 2008)
@animal I have been grinning all day from your last three shows. Keep up the "uneasy listening". Btw, is *anybody* loud enough on ur show?
James Guske, Twitter (April 05, 2008)
I am glad the The Recruiting Animal is now becoming real active on twitter. I love his podcasts on BlogTalkRadio.
Jennifer McClure, Twitter (May 28, 2008)
Listening to the @Animal show with @ecommercejobs talking about Recruiters on LinkedIn.
@CincyRecruiter Thanks for the heads up, just turned it on, very interesting discussion w/Harry Joiner regarding LinkedIn
Craig Silverman, (May 24, 2007)
Animal - I checked out your show a few times and like what you are doing. Keep it up. Let me know if I can help in any way.
Greg Le Noue, (July 19, 2007)
Animal, I'm just catching up on your recent casts! All I can say're an ANIMAL! I love your intro!
Scott Herman, Email (March 18, 2008)
I've been listening to your show, good stuff. I'd be very interested in your opinion on a forum post I made earlier tonight - about VisualCVs vs. Traditional Resumes.
JD Jason Davis, (June 8, 2007)
Animal, I loved the Intro. I know I say it every week but your screaming today was outstanding.
Ted Meulenkamp, Email (February 28, 2008)
You are on my list of favourite shows. A bit rowdy is perhaps a bit of an under statement so curious to hear how a Brit will deal with that :-)!
Jason Alba, (February 28, 2008)
Want to hear what recruiters think about job seekers? The Recruiting Animal went off for about 5 minutes - no holds barred. Just be forewarned, he is irreverent. But if you want to know what recruiters think about YOU, and what YOU DO, you really need to take a few minutes to listen to him rant.
Listen here, for the first 6 or 7 minutes, as he delivers a message to all you job hunters out there, to give you a little hope! Are you dumb or stupid? Go listen to find out. I love the Animal. And the fact that he's laying it all out like this is great, because some people really need to hear it.
Michael Homula To Talk Shop With The Recruiting Animal (Feb 12, 2008)
The show is really fun, a bit rowdy and usually chock full of great recruiting insight.
Minnesota Headhunter On The Recruiting Animal Show (Jan 16, 2008)
This is not a button down show that would appear on the Wall Street Journal. This is more my speed with some character, a free flow of ideas, and I think I said, “suck” and “damn” a couple of times. In other words I had some fun.
William Uranga, Recruiter Schizophrenia
(April 12, 2008)
Listening to the Recruiting Animal Show at half of the suggested volume, I recently heard a discussion about where your (the recruiter's) loyalty should lie.
Josh Letourneau, The Surge (April 9, 2008)
You could probably positively correlate the average temperature in the Northern Hemisphere to how many times the Recruiting Animal screams on his show each Wednesday . . . but that doesn't mean one causes the other.
Sonya Morath, Email (April 25, 2008)
I just gave you a listen and lasted 8 minutes into're yelling far too much...i now have a headache need to simmer down!
Hirevue Blog, Interview with the Animal (January 24, 2008)
HireVue CEO Mark Newman was on the highly entertaining and informational Recruiting Animal show yesterday. During the podcast they covered video interviews in the recruiting process.
Lance Haun, Twitter (July 23, 2008)
thelance: Do you yell your entire show?.... my co-workers we're asking who was yelling.
Lance Haun, Your HR Guy was snubbed! (Jan 11, 2008)
I can’t believe it either. The Best Recruiting Blogs of 2007 results were released this week and there were a lot of great blogs on there. Three of my favorites were on there with Recruiting Animal, Xtra Cheezhead and Wireless Jobs winning their category. Another great blog, Gautum Ghosh won the category I was hoping to win (Best HR Blog).
Shally Elvis Steckerl, What Everyone Ought To Know About Blogging (Jan 9, 2008)
I just got off the phone after a guest appearance on the Recruiting Animal show. It was a zoo, as usual, in a totally fun way. Along with me were other creatures like Jason Davis, Dave Manaster, Dave Mendoza, Amy Hoover, Amybeth Hale, Dennis Smith and Glenn Gutmacher.
As it turns out, some of the callers were winners of the 2007 Recruiting Blog Awards, so The Animal proceeded in his usual inquisitional style to lambaste us all and ask painfully direct questions.
Amybeth Hale, It's Personal (December 16, 2007)
I’m not a ‘shock jock’ blogger like the Recruiting Animal, or Penelope Trunk, but I like to put stuff up that’s fun for the people who read my blog. So yeah, once in awhile I’ll put up a dumb video, or a survey to help me pick a good picture, or something about the Florida Gators... But my writing style is conversational, and I think that’s part of why you enjoy reading what I write. I’m not trying to be something I’m not, and in being real I think I get my thoughts across more effectively.
Twitter (Dec 05, 2008)
researchgoddess: LOL @animal first few minutes of rant about "branding".... hahaha! the Shock Jock of Headhunters...Check it out:
Workfarce, Goddammit (February 12, 2008)
The Recruiting Animal is running out of interesting people to talk to. Sure he has his stable of “peeps” but his guest list leaves me wanting to punch my sister in the mouth.
Workfarce, I am the Messenger (October 31, 2007)
The Recruiting Animal is a Friend of mine. Many people have discounted him because he is extravagant and daunting.... he yells a lot... UN-safe, Unsterile, UN-kempt, uncommercialized and UN-known.... don’t discount him. He is, after all, The Underdog.
I LOVE YOU, Workfarce
Bob Wilson, (August 23, 2007)
Five minutes after I join, you ask if I want to be the latest victim (guest?) of the Animal Show? What would my two friends think of me if I started sobbing 2 minutes into the program?
Rayanne Trumbo, Email (April 17, 2008)
I listened to the show... I think it’s great. I will probably start crying but that makes for a better show, right?
Maren Hogan, Twitter (April 10, 2008)
I will never call into the Recruiting Animal show because he sounds scary.
marenhogan @MNHeadhunter I am scared of recruiting animal (April 23, 2008)
marenhogan @Animal How come you never interview me on your show? (June 03, 2008)
Charles Bretz, Twitter (April 14, 2008)
Reviewing notes from my 1x1 meeting with my Sr. Director....old Recruiting Animal podcast playing in the background
Kari Quaas, Twitter (May 14, 2008)
twittering while listening to The Recruiting Animal talk about twitter.
Lucilla Feliciano, Twitter, (May 7, 2008)
Listening to the Recruiting Animal Show and cooking lunch. I am a multi-tasking machine!
Jayne Wells, My LinkedIn Power Forum (April 26, 2008)
Wow, your show (what I heard) was no holds barred! Something else - no hand holding from you for those in the career search!
Donato Diorio, Email (Sept 19, 2007)
Loved your show. Loved the energy. Thank you.
Donato Diorio, The Official Broadlook Blog (March 6, 2008)
I would like to announce a place where I will be gratuitously promoting all things Broadlook: The Official Broadlook Blog.... Recruiting animal, I am doing this for you… here is a repost of the first Official Broadlook Blog article. I plagiarized it from myself and I challenge you to a donut eating contest or oreo cookies or whatever you are calling me these days. Peace. Donato
Marketing Headhunter, Happy Holidays! (December 21, 2007)
For a special holiday message from Harry, the Recruiting Animal, Maureen Sharib (the Queen Bee of Telephone Sourcing), and the WorkFarce ... CLICK HERE.
These are some of my favorite people, yet I have never met them in person. What is this world coming to?
I LOVE YOU. h a i r
Angi Bellingar, Email (February 6, 2008)
My staff is listening to it now. They keep asking me if I'm going to get to talk more. I told them I was too busy laughing to notice!
David Pollock, Comment (February 7, 2008)
Rule # 1- QUIT ASKING YES OR NO QUESTIONS! You'll get better answers. And for the love of god Animal, let them finish, or at least get a few more words out before you start in with the Seinfeldesque erruptions! Seriously, I love the show. I think it's got potential, but it's more funny, when it's not trying to be. I hope I get the chance to dodge your darts someday bud.
Rule # 2- Keep it fresh, keep it relevant, and keep those middle of the road, on the fence, policically correct, neutral about everything, bobblehead nodders off the air.
P.S. Get some new sound bites. That intro is good, but getting tired.
Susan Strayer, Is Personal Branding For Real? (April 30, 2008)
Today I joined the Recruiting Animal as his radio show guest for a high-energy debate about personal branding. You can listen to my defense, err, the debate here. It is strange to me that so many people react to personal branding as a farce or a non-event.
Maria Kench, Facebook, (June 04, 2008)
hey animal, i tried to call in for the show today, what happened? (i got some message that a show was not scheduled). the day just was not the same without the recruiting animal show.
Lee Salz, Email (January 30, 2008)
Thank you… I had a ball!
Jim Durbin, Stl Recruiting (May 15, 2008)
Animal Show Leads To More Radio Appearances
My appearance on the Animal show was well-received, and I want to thank everyone who sent such nice notes. As such things are wont to do, it led me to another appearance on Blog Talk Radio, this time with Elizabeth Lengyel, the people coach. (Jan 08,2009) Singing tribute to the Animal
Erin Kelly, Twitter, (May 14, 2008)
listening to the recruiting animal radio show.... interesting. trying to figure out how to make money twittering as a boutique recruiter
Mike Notaro, Feed The Beagle (August 15, 2007)
So today, Jeremy Langhans was on the Recruiting Animal Show and what a time was had! Somehow the Animal seemed to skip over me in the Sourcing Challenge interviews so I actually gave a call in today and joined Jeremy in discussion along with Amybeth Hale, and Maureen Sharib!
Dave Manaster, Twitter (May 14, 2008)
The ERE Expo agenda is up. Susan Strayer will be speaking - funny after our debate on @animal show.
Dave Manaster, Twitter (June 26, 2008)
Just had a call with @animal where I was doing all the screaming and he was speaking normally.
Susan Kang Nam, Twitter (Sept 24th, 2008)
PinkOliveFamily: listening to @animal show while multi-tasking, attempting to get something to "eat" for lunch, and writing at the same time
Susan Burns, (June 25, 2008)
Listened to your generations recording yesterday and was cracking up. I actually read Gordinier's book and heard him speak at Powell's (local Portland bookstore). Your def on to something! The book was a fun read and I did find the obsessiveness with "proving the contribution" amusing.
Scotty Love, (June 25, 2008)
Can I borrow some of your energy in the middle of the day? How many red bulls do you drink prior to your show? Your audio programs are fantastic! Ciao for now. Scott Love,
Amber Powell, (June 27, 2008)
Hey Animal, Still listening to your shows and still loving them... When I listen, I am all smiles because it would be great if everyone weren't so politically correct in how they communicate. Good times, Animal...good times!
Lisa Rokusek, Twitter (June 30, 2008)
@heathergardner @animal is a TOUGH Interviewer, but it was fun.
HR Wench, Twitter (July 02, 2008)
@Animal I love the show - just not the yelling
Jessica Lee, Twitter (July 02, 2008)
decided to listen to recruiting animal show to hear @marenhogan - but not sure if i can listen to the animal for very long. is it just me?
Art Pitcher, Email (June 18, 2008)
Thanks so much for the opportunity. I really enjoyed the opportunity and the show!!... By the way – I really liked your rant about Jeff and the Gen X blog.
Cliff Mintz, Email (June 11, 2008)
It was fun to do... I would be happy to participate on upcoming shows. I hope the GenY folks don't stop reading my blog..oy...
BioCrowd @Animal Twitter (Jan 10, 2009)
BTW, I loved the show the other day, it is getting better everytime I listen
Steve Rothberg, (March 7, 2007)
The Animal, as he is known to his friends, certainly isn't shy about sharing his opinions and was clearly pretty negative about recruiting blogs. A handful of callers, including yours truly, agreed with some of his opinions but tried without much success to straighten out some of his other opinions.... Listen to the show. It is entertaining if nothing else.
Chad Sowash, The Chad (Feb 18, 2008)
What to expect from the Chad and Cheezhead Show? ... We’ll purposely touch on subjects that are controversial and more than likely disagree on certain topics, although don’t expect any RecruitingAnimal WWE rage performances.
"Invitation" to a New Social Network, Email (July 18, 2008)
You are welcome on as there are other recruiters there and there will be many more. Admittedly, I'm nervous about having The Animal there. I would ask that you please be sensitive to the entire intended demographic of the group I intend to build.
Many, many professionals are just starting to crack their knuckles online. I need them to stick to the site not run and hide. I'm relatively new online myself but I'm also more courageous than many. Enough with my life story. You are invited, of course.
Jennifer Bowen, Fordyce Letter Network
(July 22nd, 2008)
Animal - Thanks for the add and keep the great show going!
Jonathan Fest, Recruitingblogs (July 22, 2008)
Animal, just sent off a request to connect with you and I'm a little nervous;) Listening to volumes of your show I've got to say there is an intimidation factor. Hope to connect and will continue to listen regardless, great work!
Yin Chang, Twitter (July 23, 2008)
@animal Listening and laughing.
Love it when people cut through the BS
Jason Pankow, Twitter (July 27, 2008)
@Animal it's cool that you Disagree. Can we have a friendly dialogue without insults? I'm not running for president, here
Katie Tierney to Jason Davis, Twitter
(July 24, 2008)
txaggie94: Looking forward to meeting you tomorrow!
recruitingblogs. me too
recruitingblogs: I'm glad @animal is not coming
txaggie94: I think @animal and Sumser in the same room would make for some good Minnesota fun. Sort of like a hockey game gone bad.
Chris Hoyt, Twitter (Jan 07, 2009)
I always feel like I've run a few laps around the gym after one of the @animal broadcasts.
Kelly Dingee, Twitter, (July 31, 2008)
SourcerKelly: Okay - LOL in the wee hours - @Animal critiquing the drumming circle at RecruitFest - sorry guys - it's funny:)
Julian Stopps, Twitter (July 31, 2008)
@Animal - cracking post, you've laid the ground for a new respect for sales people - see doesn't that feel better than shouting - LOL
Gretchen Ledgard, JobSyntax (March 2007)
I was traveling last week so I'm a little behind - but I finally got a chance today to listen to the Recruiting Animal's radio show (aka live podcast) on the topic of recruiting blogs: Have Recruiting Blogs made it big? I wish I could have listened live and participated - but such is life.
It was great to listen to the Animal after reading him for so long. First, it was very cool that he gave a shout out to our very own Liam Goldring. Lil’ Liam is a blogosphere celebrity! ;-)
Bill Vick, Twitter (July 24, 2008)
@Animal I almost forgot why I call you Animal Crackers but now I remember.
Anita Bruzzese, Twitter (June 23 2008)
Jason Alba: @recruitinganimal and @robertmerrill have excellent (and tense) dialogue about GenY whiners:
AnitaBruzzese: @jasonalba: Thanks for the heads up about that GenY conversation...that was pretty interesting, as well as your recent post.
Shannon Myers, Twitter (August 5, 2008)
I have the Recruiting Animal following me now I feel special
Cindy Kraft, Twitter (August 05, 2008)
Recruiting Animal is Clark Kent? I thought he's Superman.
Nita Villarreal Mentz, Solving SourceCon Challenge #3 (August 13, 2008)
Aug 5: I remember that stupid song, "Great White North" and know it means Canada. Somehow I find The Recruiting Animal and send him an email. He has nothing for me but he's so lovely I venture to ask him a few questions. Like what does ERE mean?
Nicole Bodem, Twitter (Sept 18, 2008)
Listening to archived recruiting animal shows
Don E Breckenridge, Email (Sept 03, 2008)
Thank you for the interview. I had a great time.
Alexandra Levit, Water Cooler Wisdom
(Oct 08 2008)
As I was working on Success for Hire, I had the good fortune to meet an excellent blogger and radio show host, the Recruiting Animal. Animal’s got one of the most hilariously combative shows you’ll ever listen to, and I had a great time as a guest earlier this month.
Carl Chapman, I'm In The Hotseat (July 23, 2007)
I can only imagine the face behind the name Recruiting Animal, if he prefers using a weird little puppet as his countenance. The mental image that I conger up when I think of the Animal is of Morton Downey Jr. ...
Morton had a style of speaking that was a cross between yelling and screaming. Until I started listening to the Recruiting Animal Radio Show, I had never heard anyone else capable of such ear piercing annoyance.
Devin Banks, Blogtalkradio Message (Sept 5, 2008)
I absolutely LOVE your program. Very intruiging. I just listened to one from earlier this year with guest Paul DeBettignies from Minnesota and I must say you definitely live up to your handle -"Recruiting Animal".
Sourcerer, Twitter (Nov 13, 2008)
Animal, I listened to your show and after 2 min I had to go take migraine meds
Mountain Danny Taylor, Twitter (Dec 01, 2008)
wow - got a follow from @animal - now if only I had had this when I was in recruiting.
Josh Kahn, Twitter (Dec 03, 2008)
jokahn: @animal thanks for the crazy ride, I look forward to the next long as that dude with the speaker phone doesn't show again
AT&T Recruiter, Twitter (Nov 26, 2008)
Listening to The Recruiting Animal on BlogTalkRadio. Interesting! Reminds me of Howard Stern
Macy Britt, Twitter: (Dec 03, 2008)
macybritt: listening to the Recruiting Animal show
Vicki Z Lauter, Twitter, (Dec 03, 2008)
VickiZLauter: listening to the @animal show and LOL
Vikki Hawkins, Twitter (Dec 03, 2008)
Vikki_LRS: Listening to the Animal Show, interested in hearing what the pipeline generation specialist has to say.
Julia Stone, Recruitingblogs (Dec 03, 2008)
Josh is a great guy and knows his stuff. be nice to him Animal!
Suzy Tonini, Twitter (Dec 03, 2008)
Infosourcer: Loved a comment on Recruiting Animal Show:how to get past the gatekeeper when asked what is this about?Just say "It's about last night"..
Eric Gilson, Email (Dec 03, 2008)
Animal, Pretty cool show that you have. As a first-time listener I was impressed with the openness of the discussion and your ability to keep the discussion moving along with purpose. I'll be back!
Peggy McKee, Twitter (Dec 05, 2008)
@Animal 41 minutes into interview - what type of energy drinks/pills do you take? I may need to chemically prepare...
Peggy McKee, Tips & Quips (Dec 11, 2008)
I did my first blog/radio show yesterday. The recruiting animal invited me to come chat... It was a very fast hour. The topics were interesting...
Jessica Meher, Recruitingblogs (Dec 09, 2008)
Hey there Animal,
Just wanted to let you know I linked you in my Twitter article "Why Recruiters Should Use Twitter and Must-Know Tips for Finding New Talent and Business." I included one of your tweets as an example of how recruiters can use Twitter for there business, hope you don't mind!
P.S. Love your show!
Jerry Albright, Twitter (Dec 10, 2008)
Getting pumped about the Animal show in 50 minutes! It's the highlight of my week.
HR Minion, Twitter (Dec 10, 2008)
Listening to the @animal show. First time I've tuned in.
Becky Metcalf, Twitter (Dec 10, 2008)
Marathon today, @animal show, HCI Webinar, next up ERE! Then maybe some work.
Sally Raade, Recruitingblogs (Dec 10, 2008)
It was a great show! She handled you well! It was fun to listen to. Your show is always fun!
Karen P Katz, (Oct 30, 2008)
It was a lot of fun to do this program with you and “the Recruiting Animal” from Canada! Thank you for the opportunity to share some of my thinking about two of my favorite topics: politics and careers. Hope we have started a lively discussion among the career-politicos.
FrannyO, Twitter (Dec 15, 2008)
@Animal My britches ain't big enough for your show, but thx for asking!
Laurie Ruettimann, Twitter (Dec 16, 2008)
@Animal What the ever-loving-hell is a show dedicated to gender issues? Is this 1973? Are you Bobby Riggs? Please! Give me a break.
Ben Yoskovitz, Twitter (Dec 17, 2008)
This is the first time I'm listening to @Animal show. It's quite ... something ...
Chris Russell, Twitter (Dec 17, 2008)
@Animal, the naysayers are wrong you are both annoying and entertaining!
Ron Golden Twitter DM (Dec 17, 2008)
I'm listening to the show right now...refreshing honesty...
Glen Cathey, (Dec 23, 2008)
Although my first post was in October 2008 and I’ve had no real “official launch” as of yet - I’ve had nearly 1500 unique visitors since I first posted.
I could not have accomplished that without the help of a few industry heavyweights (such as Michael Marlatt, Maureen Sharib, Amitai Givertz, and the Recruiting Animal) who noticed my site and offered guidance and opportunities to partner. Thank you!
Jenny DeVaughn, Twitter (Jan 07, 2009)
VirtualRecruit: Need a laugh? If so, check out the Recruiting @Animal Awards right NOW @recruitingblogs
J William Tincup, Twitter (Jan 07, 2009)
dude, great show today... balls out...
Dave Mendoza, Twitter (Jan 07, 2009)
Thank you Recruiting Animal for " Recruitosphere Person of the Year", it means a lot coming from you!
Madeline Tarquinio, Twitter DM (Jan 21, 2008)
Today was my first time listening to the show. It was so great! hysterical! I really enjoyed it! thanks!
Bryan Starbuck, (June 1, 2007)
I've been reading your blog for over a year. I'm a big fan.
Gregg Dourgarian, Staffing Technology Blog (June 30, 2008)
Recruiting Animal entertains like no other business blog. If you really want to know what is going on in the recruitment space, you have to read it.
J William Tincup Twitter (Dec 16, 2008)
just posted my interview w/the recruiting animal - peep and let me know what you think
Dave Lefkow, Why Recruiters Blog (July 12, 2007)
I think that so many recruiters blog because they know that it helps them get jobs. Granted, some of the more inflammatory blogs actually might hurt peoples' chances of finding work at certain companies - not to pick on anyone, but The Recruiting Animal comes to mind, although it could be argued that even the Animal gets some gigs or splits out of his efforts. Or maybe he's just completely insane... who knows?
Dennis Smith, (June 12. 2006)
See, this is what I'm talking about - nobody blogs in quite the same style as the Animal. I've got blogger-envy.
The Gen Y Princess, The Gen Y Nay-Sayers (August 22, 2008)
@Recruiting Animal - I wonder if blogging and the real world bring out different parts in people? I.e., would you say the things you say on a blog in real life?
JT O'Donnell, Comment
I always try to remember the phrase, “Anger is fear turned outward.” It reminds me that the older generations may be projecting frustration, but that it’s rooted in anxiety
Linda, Comment
After reading the criticisms my opinion is they don’t have the qualities you are writing about. They will not become leaders, are not passionate, not interesting, not into changing the world, not looking for better lives, not going to fulfill their potential, etc.
Systematic HR, Dubs needs friends (March 26, 2008)
After some serious thought, I have to agree with Recruiting Animal. Every generation has been defined by a portion of the population that popular culture has latched onto. The 70’s have turned into disco and mod, the 80’s punk and preppy.
We might be looking at the Millennials as idealists, but I must say that an experience over the weekend (confined in small quarters (a boat) with a couple hundred high school and college age students) has left me thinking that this idea of idealism is really a fairly small part of the population.
Vin Dieselevey (Steve Levy), (January 11, 2006)
Hey JD and MK, why don't you guys just tongue kiss and make up? Don't you realize that you north-of-our-border hosers have taken recruiting blogging to new levels?..... The two of you have made recruiting blogging fun AND informative.
Chuck Westbrook, Email (October 29, 2007)
Hi Animal, You do a great job of taking a traditionally dry topic and transforming it into something more entertaining
Warm regards, Chuck (I HATE YOUR JOB)
Jory des Jardins, Pause (May 10, 2006)
Thanks to Michael from The Recruiting Animal for callin' me on it and asking for examples to back up my uber-vague imperative that people should work smart.
Tim Sanders, Sanders Says (February 19, 2007)
I usually don't jump into comments on my own blog, but I wanted to respond to Recruiting Animal. First of all, you are correct in saying the Dr. Mehrabian's study has been misapplied to the concept of public speaking. People have done the 90% of life is nonverbal out of context move with his data to sell their swine. I don't like to see such generalizations myself.
justelise, The Blog Is The New Resume (April 22, 2007)
@Recruiting Animal: Just because you don’t see things from my perspective (because you’ve probably spent very little time on the other side of the recruiting table), does not give you the right to discredit my experiences and opinions by trying to lead readers to believe that what I am saying is nonsense and made up.
Gautam Ghosh, (Oct 19, 2006)
The CanadianHeadhunter is a very special blog for me, cause I think they were the first bloggers to ever link to me ...back in Feb 2004 here!)
Heather Hamilton, (Tues, October 18 2005)
Hmm, you know how much I love being mocked by you Michael. Keep it up. My blogroll is feeling a little over-burdened ; )
Heather Hamilton, What do you want from a recruiter's blog? (Oct 19, 2004)
Example 3: Educating job seekers blog. CanadianHeadhunter for example...which is actually 2 guys...Anthony is the quiet one and Michael is the other one ; ). These kinds of bloggers put out info that helps people not only to search for positions but also to plan their careers. Good stuff. With this kind of blog, I think people will keep coming back if they find your advice credible.
Steve Fogarty, Recruiting Revolution (May 31, 2005)
Well, the Canadian Headhunter gave me a shout out on his site. He says he likes me because I put at the top of my blog list. How can I not? They are the best recruiting blog out there and probably the only one that is dedicated to blog multiple times a day about my favorite topic recruiting!
The post was pretty darn funny if I must say. First of all, he called me Stevie. My grandparents still call me Stevie! I think I should take this as a compliment coming from someone that calls himself the Canadian Headhunter.
Jeremy Wright, (April 18, 2005) & Canadian Headhunter Merge
Over the last month or so, I’ve had the distinct pleasure of meeting both Michael and Jason.
In many ways they are just as different as you can imagine and, yet, they are also very similar. Both are very engaging, intelligent and imaginative individuals. So it didn’t surprise me too much when Jason told me last week that this was going to happen.
Jason has been a longtime InsideBlogging client. He’s a great guy, with no lack of vision. It’ll be interesting to watch how this little blogtropolis develops!
Ian McKenzie, Human Resources 101 (March 29th, 2006)
The Canadian Headhunter has Left the Building
Well… left, at least. He’s taken up residence at his new blog, The Recruiting Animal. Pop by for your recommended daily intake of Michael’s unique take on recruiting.
Scott Westcott, Inc Magazine, (January 2006)
To read articles and case studies about aggressive recruiting practices, go to the Electronic Recruiting Exchange. To share hiring war stories with other professionals, check out the blog
David Perry, Guerrilla Job Hunting
An informed buyer has real power so make it your mission this year to keep up with the fast-paced changes in the recruiting industry. Tune into for a daily dose of what's going on around the globe with Michael, Jason and Jim.
Jeff Hunter, Talentism (December 13, 2005)
Most Likely to Be Dragged to Jail while Shouting – Canadian Headhunter
Gene George, Gene's Recruiting Blog (July 20, 2005)
Recruiters--- make sure to check out it is a great source of information for any recruiter. Most posts are very well-written and get to the point quickly. There are also a ton of links to other blogs related to the recruiting business/business in general. Give it a shot--- I think you'll like it.
Jason Goldberg, Jobster Blog (July 22, 2005)
Who is this Canadian Headhunter and why is he so darn funny? Check here to read his take on my friendly back and forth with John Sumser. Btw. Sumser and I connected by phone yesterday. Details to remain private :) ... for now :)
Linda Filep,, (June 17, 2005)
I think I've been influenced too much from the Boys from the North (BFTN -- yes, Jason and CanHead -- that's you!), because now I find myself going directly to first! And yes, due to the BFTN influence, I do regularly visit The Great Manolo as well -- guilty pleasure, I'll admit!
Michael Specht, (June 18, 2005)
I typically don't visit sites at all, I read the content in an RSS aggregator I only visit the site if I want to make a comment like now. However is one of the main recruiting feeds I read.
Gretchen Ledgard & Zoe Goldring, Microsoft Jobsblog
(Feb 26, 2005)
Building upon the momentum first created by recruiting blogger pioneers like Jason Davis and Anthony and Michael, the Canadian Headhunters, and other popular Microsoft interviewing sites like Chris Sells' Interviewing at Microsoft, we were on our way.
John Sumser, (February 23, 2005)
The following list includes the best 20 or so new blogs (in no particular order)....
* Canadian Headhunter (good for a regular giggle. The sort of blog with real enduring power)
John Sumser, Animal Rights (August 16, 2006)
In today's piece, Michael (who usually publishes as The Recruiting Animal) says very nice things about me. Underneath the respectful veneer is a clear-eyed view of what makes a blog work. A bit of pugnacious value softened by a compliment.