« July 2007 | Main | September 2007 »
Highlights: - Dan Sweet discusses his book - tells us how to make a resume easier to find by the search engines used on job boards and Applicant Tracking Systems - SEO is Search Engine Optimization
Guest: Sourcecon Challenge Winner, Suzy Tonini tells us about her background and her internet sourcing practice.
Participants: Suzy Tonini, Maureen Sharib, Harry Joiner, Amybeth Hale
Continue reading "Suzy Tonini, Internet Sourcer" »
07.08.15: Listen here.
Sourcecon Challenge # 3 winner, Jeremy Langhans, was joined by Soucecon Challenge # 1 winner, Mike Notaro and Amybeth Hale (a Sourcecon presenter)
Highlights: - they explain internet sourcing to a complete novice
07.08.08: Listen here.
Intro: - Why I shout - Harry Joiner vs Facebook & Scoble - real blogging culture
Highlights: - Jason Alba's blogging secrets (with a lot of focus on branding)
Intro: Loot bags for candidates - the need to be tough
Highlights: - - Rick Myers and Amy Hoover of TalentZoo - the need to be tough - managing candidates and clients - job boards - dating
Participants: JD Jason Davis, Harry Joiner, Maureen Sharib
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