Plus the Telephone Sourcing Show.
07.10.31: Listen hereGuest: Geoff Webb, Corporate Sourcer & Recruiter
Geoff recently completed a search for a new job. He tells us what he did and how it worked.
Plus: The Telephone Sourcing Show
After the half-way mark, Maureen Sharib and Pam Simon, demonstrate the use of the Telephone Suction Solution which draws information through fibre-optic cables directly into your database.
Introduction: The Trials of Celebrity
Hi everybody this is the Recruiting Animal back with you again. And I've got something very important to tell you. Are you ready? Here it is. It's hard to be famous. And you know why? Because when you're famous, everybody thinks they know you. And, to prove it, I'm going to give you an example from my own life.
At the Sourcecon conference in September Amybeth Hale met a guy from Toronto and she set up a meeting for me. For ME! A face-to-face meeting.
I didn't know the guy but she thought I'd want to meet him just because he lives in Toronto. But I've got news for you Amy. So do five million other people. And I don't want to meet with THEM! You know what I'm saying?
So this guy calls me and says "I ran into Amybeth Hale at Sourcecon and she said I should contact you." "Okay," I said, "I see from your Facebook profile that you're looking for a job so I'll pass your resume on to anyone I know who's looking for a recruiter."
"No," he says, "Amy said we should meet."
"Look," I said, "What do I want to meet you for?"
"Because Amy said we should meet!"
So I said, "Listen, pal, do you know who you're talking to? I go to Starbucks at 6am in the morning so I don't have to see anybody. So you can repeat yourself a HUNDRED times and I'm still not going to meet you.
"I can be at Starbucks," he says.
"No, no No!" I said, "It's really great that Amy's become my social coordinator but if you show up at Starbucks at 6am, you'd better write your will because I'm going rip you to limb from limb. You know what I'm saying?"
"Yeah," he says, "I know what you're saying. But Amy said we should meet."
Now how do you get rid of a guy like that. I had to do something so my guest for today is Geoff Webb of Toronto and he'll be speaking to me, The Recruiting Animal on the Recruiting Animal Show!!!