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TOPIC: Marketing and Sourcing through Networking
lisarokusek @heathergardner: animal is a TOUGH Interviewer, but it was fun.
marenhogan @heathergardner @lisarokusek
@cincyrecruiter: YIKES. Please pray for me
CLIPS: Introduction, Gen Y Quiz, Snippets from the Show (12 min)
Maren video taped her own debriefing
HR Wench: @Animal I love the show - just not the yelling (Twitter, July 02, 2008)
Jessica Lee: decided to listen to recruiting animal show to hear @marenhogan - but not sure if i can listen to the animal for very long. is it just me? (Twitter, July 02, 2008)
Recruiting Animal: @jessica_lee Listen, Honey. Just like fine wine, the Recruiting Animal is not for everybody.
jessica_lee: @Animal - go figure. i don't like wine! eh. i go straight for the hard stuff. ha!
Recruiting Animal: @jessica_lee Yeah, I don't like wine either. And I am the hard stuff. But you don't like me.